13700 State Road
Suite 8North Royalton, OH 44133

Insurance professionals that have your back


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Life Insurance

What Is Life Insurance?

In the event of your death, life insurance can assist with various expenses. This coverage provides a predetermined sum of money to the policy’s beneficiary, which may be essential for keeping your family and loved ones afloat financially.

The two most common types are:

  • Term life insurance—This kind of policy only provides coverage temporarily.  It can include protection during a specific period and it will pay out if death occurs during that period.
  • Permanent life insurance—This coverage remains active throughout your life and will pay out the full amount as long as you continue to pay your premiums. In addition, these policies accumulate cash value, meaning it may be able to provide a gradual source of income to the beneficiary.

While term and permanent are the most common policies, there are others that our agency can help you explore.

Protect Yourself With the Right Coverage

Even people in good health can be blindsided by an unexpected accident or unforeseen circumstances. In these situations, the right policy can provide your family with financial stability and peace of mind. Contact us today to receive a quote and learn more.